Wade Trimmer is the founding pastor of Grace Fellowship of Augusta. He is a gifted preacher, teacher, writer and student of the Word of God. After serving 30 years as our pastor, he felt led of the Lord to devote the rest of his life to the training and discipling of pastors and key lay leaders. Through his non-profit organization, Training for Reigning Institute of Disciple-making, he focuses much of his effort on Third World countries that otherwise have little access to quality training. Pastor Wade is committed to training people to live in loving relationships with other believers, and serve in kingdom partnership to fulfill this Great Commission. Going to the ends of the earth, his ministry is seeking to make disciples of all people groups, baptizing and teaching them all things that Jesus commanded. Since 2008, Pastor Wade’s influence has grown dramatically throughout the world. Making numerous international trips each year, he is teaching disciple-making principles to thousands of people all over the world. Wade continues to be a vital part of our church community. As our Missions Pastor, he is expanding our reach in the earth and is putting us in fellowship with quality ministries that we can partner with in the advancement of the Gospel. In addition, he serves as one of our Overseers, giving valuable oversight and accountability to the ongoing ministry of Grace Fellowship.

Archives for November 2021

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Birthday Thoughts

On this my 74th birthday, I've had several thoughts occupy my attention today, none more sobering than that of "TIME". Where has it gone so quickly? It's obvious that I have far more time behind me than I do in front of me. With the average life expectancy of men around 78 years, I wonder if I'll just be "average"? We are the most time-conscience people in history. We ha...

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Reformation Sunday!

This Sunday, October 31, will mark the 504th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Philip Schaff, a noted church historian, writes: "The Reformation of the sixteenth century is, next to the introduction of Christianity, the greatest event in history.The Reformation was, at its heart, a recovery of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and this restoration had an unparalle...

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Happiness- Heaven's Serious Business!

In his excellent book, Happiness, Randy Alcorn writes, "Among Christ followers, happiness was once a positive, desirable word." He then notes, "Only in recent times have happiness and joy been set in contrast with each other." Alcorn adds, "I believe this is biblically and historically ungrounded and has significant downsides " After reading and rereading Alcorn's book, H...

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When Faith is Low and Unbelief is High!

Mark 9:19, "He answered him and said, "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me." To whom is Jesus calling the "faithless generation"? Amazingly it's his disciples. Although they were not altogether destitute of faith, their faith was very low and their unbelief was high. At this point in their walk with Jesus, ...

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