What We Value

What you believe shapes what you value. This is true of individuals, but it is also true for a church. We believe that Grace Fellowship exists to bring ever increasing glory to God. This fundamental truth shapes the things that we value. The following are a few of the ways we seek to glorify God as a church family.


The gospel is the good news of everything God has done for us through Jesus Christ. For us, this is more than just the way we become a Christian, it is the power that is necessary for the entire Christian life. Part of what makes it such good news lies in the fact that the gospel is not a declaration of what God requires of us, but instead what He has done for us! The Gospel reveals how much God first loved us by all that Jesus has already done. So for us, the gospel is the thing that guides, shapes, and empowers all that we do as a church family.


Everyone worships something, and we believe that nothing in the universe is more worthy of our worship than the one, true God. We seek to honor our Heavenly Father with every aspect of our life, celebrating all that Jesus has done for us, while being empowered by the Holy Spirit within us. This motivates all that we do corporately: singing, praying, preaching, giving, and serving. God has done all that is necessary for us to have relationship with Him, and we want to passionately celebrate all the benefits that come from knowing Him better.


The Christian life is a journey of spiritual transformation as we become more like Jesus in every way. The Scripture reveals that God is at work to reproduce His character in us as we go through the victories and struggles of life. As we seek to conform our lives to the image of Christ, we believe our relationship with the Lord grows deeper and richer. Though this is a very personal experience, the Scripture teaches that this process works best in community with other growing Christians. We grow best together! Whether it be gathering in small groups, times of fellowship, or one on one interaction with maturing believers, we believe that we emulate Jesus best when we share life with one another.


We desire that God would gain ever increasing glory in this earth. The church does not exist solely for its own sake, but to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. We want to be a part of extending His kingdom outside our own walls, into our local community, and throughout the earth. Through prayer, service, and finances we will invest in the world around us and partner with other likeminded Christians. This is more about who we are than just what we do, because mission is an essential element of the Christian life.