Where Does Good Government Begin?


We have reached a tipping point in America where most of its citizens believe that our strength is in, and our trust should be in big government. We believe that government somehow has the unlimited capacity that only God possesses. When people reject the Lordship of Christ's rule, they place their hope in an earthly ruler whom they expect to satisfy their wants. The people begin to see the nation's problems as being political in nature rather than ethical, so they believe that they can steal by the ballot box what they are unwilling to work for. This disastrous idea has resulted in government of the people, by the people and for the people, becoming government over the people in the name of the people.

This is a relatively new idea in our country. America was originally founded and defined as an experiment in self-government under God.

Today in America many want to remove the self-government part. In so doing they ultimately crown the government God. That scenario violates both parts of the phrase: self-government under God.

Others want to remove the God-part of the phrase. But when we have government without God, even self-government (without God), it all tends to break down because of the inherent sinfulness of humanity.

Our second president, John Adams, once wrote, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

America’s founders designed things in such a way that we would be a self-governing people. The more people govern themselves the less outward government they need. The less they govern themselves, the more outward government is needed.

The reality is that self‑government under God's government is the basis for all other forms of government. Men who fear only God and who know that He rules over every detail of their lives and world, do not need the coercive power of civil government to cause them to live responsibly.  Corrupt civil governments reflect corrupt individuals.

Dr. Gary North writes: “Men will be ruled by God, or else they will be ruled by men who imitate God. There is no escape from the rule of other men; the question is: By what standard will rulers rule, and be governed? Everyone is under another person’s authority in most areas of his life. Everyone answers for his actions. The doctrine of “divine rights” applies only to God: God alone answers to no one else. There is no divine right of kings, priests, parents, or voters. There is no divine right of anyone on earth. Everyone is accountable to other people.”

William Penn was correct as he declared, "Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad; if it will, they will cure it. But, if men be bad, let the government be never so good, they will endeavor to warp and spoil it to their turn."

James Madison, architect of the US Constitution, fourth president of the US said, "We have staked the future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it ‑‑ we have staked the future of our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God."

The central issue of our times is whose is the government, the power, and the authority? In essence, the issue is Lordship. Who’s the Boss or Ultimate Authority in life? Behind every law is a lawgiver. Man was created to be a law-receiver, living by the word of the only Law-giver, the true God of the Bible. Rejecting God’s government, man has attempted to become a law unto himself. This requires civil government to get larger and larger in order to attempt to be god and care for humankind from the womb to the tomb. 

Chief Justice Vinson said: "Nothing is more certain in modern society than the principle that there are no absolutes."

John Dewey said, "Absolutely no absolutes." (Both Vinson and Dewey’s statements are self-refuting, logically, because they are asserting that there are no absolutes except their absolutes!)

Instead of "thus saith the Lord", we make our laws based upon public opinion, prevailing culture, ancient pagan norms, the interest of the State, etc... This is the reason a baby can be aborted five minutes before its birth and the doctor charge a fee, but five minutes after birth he is charged with murder. This is the reason why pornographers enjoy expansive first amendment rights while first graders in a nativity play are said to be in violation of the same amendment. Seventy‑four percent of Americans feel that abortions are morally wrong, but the same percentage feel that a women should have the right of choice.

The invitation of humanistic governments is "Let Big Brother be your shepherd. He will lead you beside new waters; he will prepare your table; he will care for you. Come dwell with him, his rod and staff will comfort you."

This is the cry of Americans everywhere. Take care of all our needs. Pastor Joe Morecraft was right when he observed, "This political crisis in America is a religious crisis. As men change their faith, their politics, worldview and social order change. As America's faith becomes less and less Christian and more and more pagan, its politics, worldview and its social order become more and more dominated by paganistic superstition, magic, hedonism and slavery.”

Socialism in any and every form is anti‑Christian. It is paganism. It makes the State and idol. It makes man the predestinator. It elevates the State above God. Socialism is urged by people who have lost faith in God and in the power of their religion to motivate men, and who have resorted to government and the coercive power of the State as a substitute. Socialism seizes, divides, expends, and dissipates wealth. It always produces poverty. Few will work hard if they know they are going to be robbed of the fruits of their labor. On the other hand those who receive something for nothing learn to depend upon it. The appeal of socialism is the promise of something for nothing.

Winston Churchill wrote that, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

The American Statesman and former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Robert Winthrop (1809-1894), stated, “All societies of men must be governed in some way or other. The less they may have of stringent State Government, the more they must have of individual self-government. The less they rely on public law or physical force, the more they must rely on private moral restraint. Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.

The whole counsel of the Word of God that exalts Him as Supreme, Savior, and Law-giver with man as a law-receiver, not a law creator, must once again be boldly and uncompromisingly proclaimed by God’s appointed and anointed prophets, preachers, and people from every available outlet and opportunity! It’s either radical Biblical reformation and revival, or ruin!

Albert Mohler challenges us to stir up our memories and be encouraged as he declares: “Remember this:  Liberty depends upon the existence of truth. Truth depends upon the existence of God. No God, no truth, no liberty, no human dignity, no human rights, no religious liberty.

“But do not despair.

“God is not dead. Truth is not a dream. And liberty is ours to defend.

“May God grant us grace for the challenge we face.”