As with any church, the best way to get to know us is to visit. It is our hope that you will experience the life-changing good news of everything God has done for us through Jesus Christ! Each Sunday we have a variety of opportunities that are focused on ministering to your whole family.
When you arrive on our campus, you will notice that we have two separate buildings. We gather for worship on Sundays in the large building with the green roof. Parking is available on either end of the building and there are three entrances you may use. Our worship center is quickly accessible through any of our entrances.
Our Morning Worship starts at 10:30 AM in the Worship Center. A typical Sunday begins with 30 minutes of singing. We will have a mixture of hymns and contemporary songs. There is a great deal of freedom and variety in the way people express their love for God and gratitude for all He has done. We encourage people to participate, but there is no pressure to perform. In addition, we will pray together, greet one another, and be given an opportunity to give. We consider all of this to be part of what comprises true worship.
Children, ages 4-12, participate with the adults during the first part of our Worship Service. At the appropriate time, the kids will be dismissed for Children’s Church. There they will have a special time of teaching tailored just for them. You are welcome to walk them out, or let them go with our volunteers. Your children can be picked up immediately following Morning Worship.
The remainder of our worship time is devoted to the preaching and teaching of God’s word. We value learning the scripture in a verse by verse method, and will typically be involved in an ongoing series. You can get an idea of what to expect by checking out one of the messages provided in our resource section on this site.
We have a Nursery available for children, ages 0-3, during Morning Worship. We have made every effort to make our nursery a safe, fun, and loving place for our children. One of our greeters will be able to direct you to the nursery so that you can sign your child in.
Our coffee shop, The Higher Grounds Café, is open all morning. Stop by and help yourself to some fresh coffee and a snack.
We hope that everything about our corporate gatherings glorify God and build us together as a community of faith. We have a sincere desire to see His fame spread through the earth. As a part of that, we look forward to your visit and hope that you might find a home at Grace!
If you have any further questions,
you can email us at Office@GraceFellowshipof
or give us a call at (706) 736-0784